

A tale of two communities? Meeting scheduled to discuss 5000 block of Baltimore Ave.

Posted on 24 January 2014 by Annamarya Scaccia

In recent months, the 5000 block of Baltimore Avenue has become a politically-charged center of controversy that has West Philly residents both frustrated and perplexed. Should the block, flanked by some boarded-up buildings, evolve with the help of local businesses into a commercial strip? Or should the city step in, reclaim the land and enlarge an existing health center and include parking?

A public meeting scheduled for next Thursday (see details below) will provide an opportunity for business owners and residents to discuss these two possibilities.

As Naked Philly reported earlier this month, community members learned in November about possible tentative plans to redevelop mostly privately-owned properties between 50th and 51st Streets. The redevelopment, which would happen through eminent domain, could make way for an expansion of the Mercy Wellness Center at 5008 Baltimore Avenue as per a proposal currently being considered by the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority (PRA).


Baltimore Avenue near 51st Street.

For many residents, the tentative expansion proposal, submitted to the PRA by the Baltimore Avenue Redevelopment Corporation (BARC) — the non-profit that owns the Wellness Center—runs contrary to the needs of the community. In business owner Saba Tedla’s view, what the neighborhood needs along the slowly developing stretch are more restaurants and retail spaces that can solidify the Baltimore Avenue Corridor as a destination point—and without the use of eminent domain. (According to a recent City Paper article, the BARC proposal is “in flux” and may have already lost steam as inferred by statements made by BARC’s current president, Dr. Benjamin Smallwood.)

After all, more foot traffic on that block can only help Tedla, who owns Seeds Gallery at 5011 Baltimore Avenue and the restaurant Aksum further east on Baltimore and  plans to open a second restaurant across from the center this spring. She wants the competition.

“People like myself feel that the needs of the community are more for commercial retail than it is to have an expansion of a parking lot and a healthcare center,” Telda told West Philly Local. “If I know I’m opening a restaurant, why am I asking for restaurants? Because I am a member of the community. It’s productive and economical for more people to have more jobs [and] to attract more young professionals.”  Continue Reading

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Project Rehab helps distressed homes

Posted on 17 January 2014 by Annamarya Scaccia

BEFORE: The bedroom of the home on the 4900 block of Osage Avenue (Photo courtesy of Ryan Spak)

BEFORE: The bedroom of the home on the 4900 block of Osage Avenue.

After a year of work, a West Philadelphia family was able to successfully clean, rehabilitate, and sell their home on the 4900 block of Osage Avenue with the help of Project Rehab, making it the eighth project completed since the University City District program launched in 2011.

Established in partnership with the City of Philadelphia’s License and Inspections, Project Rehab guides owners of degraded real estate through the process of rehabilitation, providing assistance in obtaining financing, construction contracts and, if needed, real estate contacts. In the last three years, the free UCD program has helped generate $4.3 million in financing to rehab properties that have gone through its process, and is currently working on about 24 in-need estates, said Ryan Spak, Project Rehab’s project manager.

“Project Rehab functions freely for the owner of the property. We are a completely free program for owners of distressed real estate. It will guide them to the process of rehabilitation,” Spak told West Philly Local. “We have helped multiple owners to obtain financing so they can accomplish their goal.”

AFTER: The living room of the home on the 4900 block of Osage Avenue (Photo courtesy of Ryan Spak)

AFTER: The living room of the home on the 4900 block of Osage Avenue (Photos courtesy of Ryan Spak)

As part of the program, Project Rehab actively seeks out vacant properties in the area that are in some state of disrepair and are “not being a part of our community the way it’s supposed to be,” Spak said. In the case of the Osage Avenue home, after marking the property as a possible project, Project Rehab contacted the owners in December 2012, and worked with them over the last year to clean out their home, which was overflowing with debris and suffering from structural problems due to water damage.

While the family initially wanted to rehab their home, they decided it wasn’t financially viable, said Spak. Instead, they chose to sell their property in order to rectify their debt, and worked with Project Rehab to find an affordable contractor to clean it out before placing it on the market. According to Spak, Project Rehab provided the family five options for real estate agents to choose from, with the caveat that whoever does buy the property must be able to afford to rehabilitate it completely. Within three days being on the market, he said, the Osage Avenue home received eight offers, with a bid of $50,000 over the asking price winning out.

While Project Rehab actively canvasses the neighborhood for distressed properties to help, it is also looking for owners of distressed properties to reach out and use the assistance it provides. As Spak said, “The advice is free. There is absolutely no reason why they should feel like they have no way to turn.”

If you have questions about Project Rehab, please contact UCD at 215-243-0555 or email Ryan Spak at:

Annamarya Scaccia

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Public meeting Thursday on proposed apartment building on Spruce Street

Posted on 14 January 2014 by

Garden Court Community Association (GCCA) is holding a zoning meeting this Thursday (Jan. 16) about a new building proposed for 5027 Spruce Street. Community members are invited to attend the meeting to learn more about the project and to provide their input. The proposed building is a multi-family, four story apartment building, which will be nearly identical to the four story building at 5038 Spruce (see images below).

The public forum to discuss the proposed construction will take place at 6 p.m. in the Vineyard Community Church (corner of 51st and Sansom Streets).

Those who would like to attend the meeting but can’t make it are invited to contact GCCA’s Zoning Chair, Mariya Khandros, via email ( with any questions or concerns.


A multi-family four story apartment building is being proposed at 5027 Spruce Street.



Four story building at 5038 Spruce Street (Source: Google).

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More about the “promise zone” designation for Mantua and parts of other neighborhoods

Posted on 13 January 2014 by

The West Philadelphia neighborhoods of Mantua, Mill Creek, Powelton Village, Belmont and Parkside have never been short on hope, dreams and promise. But they have often been short on funding.

That will very likely change now that these areas have been declared a federally designated “promise zone,” which makes them more likely to get future federal funding. About half of the zone’s approximately 35,000 residents live in poverty. The zone runs from Girard Avenue south to Sansom Street and 48th Street east to the Schuylkill River.

Here are some reactions on Twitter to the announcement last week:


The Philadelphia Inquirer‘s Jeff Gammage wrote a lengthy story published today that includes reactions from many of the players involved. They include grassroots organizations like the Mantua Civic Association and major nearby institutions like Drexel University. Wilford Shamlin III has a story in today’s Philadelphia Tribune on Drexel’s work with schools in the area.

The key strategies in the area include (from the White House website):

  • Putting people back to work through skills training and adult education; classes on small business development to support entrepreneurs; loans and technical assistance for small resident-owned businesses; and the development of a supermarket providing both jobs and access to healthy food.
  • Improving high-quality education to prepare children for careers, in partnership with Drexel University and the William Penn Foundation, through increasing data-driven instruction that informs teacher professional development; developing school cultures that are conducive to teaching and learning; mentoring middle and high school youth with focus on college access and readiness; and increasing parent engagement.
  • Preventing and reducing crime in order to attract new residents and long-term investments, through strategies such as focused deterrence, hot spots policing, and foot patrol. 

These neighborhoods have heard “promises” before. University City High School, for example, was renamed “University City Promise Academy” during the 2010-2011 school year. Two years later it was closed. So as the dust settles from the announcement we look forward to bringing you future posts on actual projects and how to get involved with them.

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Demolition of 40th St Methodist Episcopal Church has begun

Posted on 16 December 2013 by


Demolition crews have begun tearing down the 40th Street Methodist Episcopal Church to make room for retail space. The two-story Romanesque-style church has stood at the corner of 40th and Sansom for 136 years. The construction of the new space, which will host Dunkin Donuts, Zesto Pizza and a couple of other retailers, is expected to be completed by April 2014.

(Photo by West Philly Local reader Karl Munkelwitz.)

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A year after evictions, punk venue “Fake House” demolished to make way for housing development

Posted on 12 December 2013 by Alex Vuocolo


The remnants of the “Fake House” which was demolished last month to make room for a new apartment building. Photo: Mike Lyons/West Philly Local.


Last month, a graffiti-covered building at 3862 Lancaster Avenue was demolished to make way for a three-story, 22-unit apartment building to be developed by Turn Key Realty LLC, according to city records. The building sat vacant after its residents were evicted last December.

The building was formerly a venue and makeshift apartment for artists called the “Fake House.” It was first occupied by a group of artists in the late ‘80s, according to an article by Philadelphia Weekly, and had occupants and musical performances up until the evictions.

The building was known as Fake House because the word “Fake” was painted in large letters on the front of the building. Much of the graffiti on the building enforced its counter-culture reputation, as there were strong anti-gentrification and anti-corporate messages.

The occupants never signed a formal lease, and as one resident admitted to Philadelphia Weekly almost a decade ago, “We know we’re all this close to losing our space. Anything could change at any time.”

He was right, of course. But the fascinating and somewhat subversive alt/punk hub still got another decade under its belt. The final punk show took place just a week before the evictions.

Alex Vuocolo

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