
Consent and Cookies: A Social Justice Purim

February 22, 2018 6:30 am

Repair the World: Philadelphia

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Happy Purim!

Repair the World, Philly FIGHT, WOAR, and Student Grad Network invite you to a social justice Purim, focusing on the topic of consent. There will be many different activities and speakers, including a hands-on volunteering project, so come join in the festivities!

What is Purim? Purim is a Jewish festival to commemorate the defeat of Haman’s plot to massacre the Jews as recorded in the book of Esther. It is a festive holiday filled with drinking and happiness! This means that there will, of course, be snacks and drinks a-plenty.

There will also be a cookie/hamantaschen swap taking place. What are hamantaschen? Hamantaschen are triangular-shaped cookies that are traditionally eaten on Purim. They represent the three-cornered hat worn by Haman, the villain in the Purim story. Please feel free to bring either hamantaschen, or any other type of tasty cookie to join in the cookie swap!

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4029 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

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