
Cocktails with a Conscience: What Comes Next?

December 8, 2016 6:00 pm

Repair the World: Philadelphia

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Join us as we discuss actions moving forward after the election. We will have a chance to determine what action steps we want to take to move forward as a community, and to discuss how we can advance and defend values and principles like fairness, justice, compassion, and kindness. How do we support Muslims, immigrants, communities of color, the LGBQ and trans* communities and other marginalized groups during the next administration?

There will be an optional People of Color caucus for those interested.

The event will be held at the Repair the World Workshop, 4029 Market Street, and includes free drinks and snacks. RSVP through eventbrite:

Please reach out to with any questions.

This social justice happy hour is free and open to anyone! #thinkwhileyoudrink


4029 Market St, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA

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