
Flowers and notes of love to Manakeesh, the Muslim-owned restaurant and bakery

November 11, 2016


A quick scan of the vote totals at precincts in West Philly make it clear that this decidedly not Trump country. Another indication is a few things dropped off this week at Manakeesh, the Lebanese restaurant and bakery at 45th and Walnut.

Manakeesh posted pictures on its Facebook page yesterday of flowers and notes dropped off since Tuesday’s election. In response to the pictures of swastikas and hateful graffiti being passed around, we think it’s appropriate to show expressions of love and solidarity. 

Manakeesh responded:

“A big thanks to our West Philly neighbors for dropping off this beautiful bouquet of flowers today, along with a wonderful note!
We look forward to continuing to be an integral part of the community in these turbulent times.”


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23 Comments For This Post

  1. Addy Says:

    This is awesome! Such positivity is what we need.

  2. Hannah P. Says:

    I’m proud to be living in a neighborhood that includes so many Muslim people and businesses. I am thankful for the mosque at 45th and Walnut that helped bring stability to a neighborhood that needed it (and more recently, of course, to Manakeesh and Bliss!). I had a Jordanian renter last summer who was worried to appear in public in hijab, until I showed her the neighborhood. It was a welcome respite for her from her grad studies in NC. And she took me to the mosque at 43rd and I met many wonderful women who were totally welcoming (I also took her to my Episcopal Church, where she was equally welcomed).

    We are truly blessed in with wonderful diversity in this neighborhood.diversity.

  3. Dr. Whom Says:

    Amen v’amen to the gifts, the flowers, the note, and both the above comments.

  4. WP Says:

    Well, West Philly may not be Trump country but it’s no longer Clinton country either. And Philly still ranks as the most impoverished large city. Look outside UC and it’s obvious in most of West Philly. Democratic rule has done little to alleviate poverty and raise the standard of living. I’m not happy that Trump is president. I am happy that another Clinton is not. But so what. He won. Let’s stop crying, protesting, support groups and give him a chance. He has 4 years maybe if he doesn’t get impeached. In 2020 you get to vote again. In the meantime love your neighbor as yourself.

  5. WPNeighbor Says:

    Powerful statement WP. I may have voted for Gary Johnson but I am willing to hear President Trump out! If President Obama’s presidential theme was hope, President Trump’s is Unity! Unity against hate, racism, sexism and even hatred of religion or creed. Yes, all president’s may have some some bone headed things in the past, this is a growing time and a a time to be a leader! The more we protest, the more we get angry and the more we fail to accept the olive branch extended already by the President Elect.

  6. C Brown Says:

    WP Neighbor-
    He just appointed a white supremacist as his chief strategist. I will keep protesting and making sure everyone is safe and valued

  7. Rob Swinson Says:

    Could you ask if this bakery will bake cakes for gay weddings?

  8. ready41derfulprez Says:

    Apropos of what?

  9. James Says:

    Yes. I love this neighborhood. Would love to know if this baker would make some Christmas cookies, for this coming holiday season.

  10. Noshipsherlock Says:

    Then go ask him and stop projecting your array of interrogatories addressed to Muslim bakers. BTW, watch the overuse of commas.

  11. Bianca Fiscella Says:

    Trump’s presidential theme is unity???? I mean, really? Have you listened anything the man has said? Have I stepped into bizarro world? What is going on here?

  12. qwn Says:

    Rob Swinson “Could you ask if this bakery will bake cakes for gay weddings?” They’re not that type of bakery.

    James “Yes. I love this neighborhood. Would love to know if this baker would make some Christmas cookies, for this coming holiday season.” Again, afaik they’re not that type of bakery.

    You both could go in, see what they offer in the way of baked goods and ask if they’ll be doing or would do what you’re asking here.

    WP and WPNeighbor. Yes, a person who’s surrounded himself with a theocratic openly discriminating, woman hating vp (check what he’s done as Governor of Indiana), an alt-right white supremacist as his chief advisor (here’s a hint, even Glenn Beck has said “He’s a nightmare and he’s the chief adviser to the president of the United States now.”).

    His transition team consists of ‘the swamp’ (super-lobbyists) along with 3 of his children. His cabinet picks are a disgrace. He doesn’t want to be President, he just wanted to be able to say he won. He’s leaving everything in Pence’s lap which should terrify you. He wants to live in his NYC penthouse with trips to Florida and stopping by the White House in between more of his rallies to try to keep the people he lied to pumped up.

  13. Noshipsherlock Says:

    Q: Has Donald Trump made the wingnuts dumber or just louder?
    A: Louder

  14. Noshipsherlock Says:

    By the Way, Bianca, I do not mean you. I mean the rebel flag, Wal-Mart parking lot tailgaters. The ones who still think wrestling is real.

  15. WP Says:

    @Noshipsherlock Dumber or louder – either way – winners. And the left wonders why as they cry in their support group soup and take Xanax for their anxiety. Maybe people who don’t swallow the social engineering of Obama with his executive overreach didn’t want 4 more years of the same. Obama campaigned for change when he won in 2008. Look around West Philly west of 52nd St. Not much change. So I’ll give Trump and Pence a chance. Will it be any better? Who knows? We are still a great nation!

  16. Erico Says:

    I grew up on 54th. Street. The neighborhood is much better now than it was in the 1970’s. There were gangs everywhere from Cobb’s Creek to the Hilltop. It may look real unappealing to you. You may think its a real eye sore west of 52nd street because you live in a more pretty area, but no, it is not worse than it used to be and yes, it is better than it used to be. Maybe it’s all relative. I grew up there. I don’t see old buildings as ugliness. I still have plenty of friends there. I don’t bring that narrow minded hate. I see people. Don’t link what YOU perceive as ugliness to President Obama somehow. That is weak. That is weak. President Obama campaigned for Hope. Get it straight.

  17. Hello! Says:

    “So I’ll give [them] a chance.”

    -Germans, 1932

  18. hellifknow Says:

    @Hello! My sentiments as well.

  19. WP Says:

    @Hello @helifiknow Sentiments notwithstanding.Lame comparison.

  20. WP Says:

    @Erico We’re not talking about the 70’s. We’re talking about the last 8 years under Obama, time I’ve been in West Philly. I live in a “more pretty area.” I’d like others to as well. Not much has changed west of 52nd St. during Obama’s reign. It is time for real change. Didn’t happen under Obama. Wouldn’t have happened under Hillary, Might not happen under Trump.

  21. Noshipsherlock Says:

    Why are you so fixated on West Philadelphia west of 52nd Street’s connection with President Obama. What is the connection that you see? What is your role as a citizen of West Philadelphia? What are your achievements? How have you given back to an area you are obviously obsessed with? You seem to care a lot and believe that there is some meaningful relationship between President Obama and West Philadelphia west of 52nd Street. Explain objectively please. I mean to say, back up your anger. Justify it, or leave.

  22. Hello! Says:

    @WP: Care to expand on why it’s a lame comparison? Trump just ran and was elected on a campaign of white nationalism. We’re obviously a ways from the Third Reich, but you’re being naïve if you can’t see the connection. He has already put Bannon into one of his top advisory rolls, so …

    Also, you’re fixation on what Obama didn’t accomplish on the blocks west on 52nd Street is bizarre. Do you really think that’s part of the president’s portfolio?

  23. WP Says:

    @hello Sure. 60 million people voted for white nationalism. You should read more and think for yourself and stay away from the conspiracy kooks.

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