
Police: Same robber hits Green Line on Lancaster Ave. again

May 5, 2012

The Green Line Cafe on Lancaster Avenue was robbed again late Friday afternoon, police have confirmed. Police believe that the suspect is “definitely the same person” who robbed the same cafe earlier this week and the Green Line at 45th and Locust on April 26.

This time the man was wearing a green Army jacket, dirty blue jeans and black sneakers with white soles. The suspect is a white male in his mid 20′s, 5’9″ tall, medium build, brown hair and a thin mustache.

You can see surveillance video of the suspect from the robbery earlier this week here.

If you have any information about this person, please contact the Southwest Detective Division at 215-686-3183, 215-476-1131, or 215-686-TIPS.

13 Comments For This Post

  1. timguth Says:

    Jesus Christ. Green Line, stop what you are doing and go buy some cameras and a nice sign that says “these premises are monitored by video”. Today. This guy obviously hit again because he knows that you didn’t take any precautions since the last time you were robbed. The cops have his photo and he still comes back? Something gives him the nerve to come back.

  2. billy Says:

    this is why jesus invented shotguns.

  3. LW Says:

    Yeah I like the Green Line but I think that they should close until they put some security in.

  4. Robin W Says:

    Way to blame the victim, guys! So the Greenline should get a shotgun to confront a robber with a handgun? What company would ask its employees to do that and make the place the OK Corral? Dude is clearly a junkie and doesn’t care who sees his face. What gives him the nerve to come back? HEROIN.

  5. Mark Says:

    timguth, I don’t get your logic. The green line should get more cameras even though this guy came back after he was caught on camera?

  6. LW Says:

    I think he was caught on camera outside. I’m not sure he even knew the camera was there. I haven’t seen any shots from inside the various Green Lines.

    Maybe internal cameras would be a deterrent. Also, floor safes.

  7. Stacey Says:

    Wonder if this is the same guy?

  8. Douglas Witmer, Green Line co-owner Says:

    In my 17 years living in this neighborhood and nearly 10 years running a 7-day-a-week, open early-to-late business in the neighborhood, the last 10 days have been pretty frightening and depressing. But it has also been the first time any kind of gun violence has come remotely close to me. Whether that’s been luck, or because our neighborhood is generally pretty safe…dunno. I suppose that’s a great argument for others to have in the comments section of a local news website.

    My business partner and I have spent the past 10 days scrambling to keep up with the varied issues surrounding the robberies. Meanwhile there are the normal things we do for the business full-time, as well as being parents. It would have been exhausting last week with just one robbery.

    We *are* installing cameras. It would be awesome if it could have happened overnight after the first incident. But in reality with our three shops, the process of getting quotes for the work, getting the right systems for our needs, etc…it doesn’t work that way. We are thankful there’s video footage of the robber from both Powelton Village incidents. Would cameras have stopped him from robbing our stores? Debatable. Police believe the same guy robbed the Chipotle on Walnut Street by UPenn at 10:15 last night. You have to believe that place, and the whole area, abounds with surveillance. (I jogged past there last night just an hour before. It was a nice evening with tons of people on the street.)

    Finally, regarding security and guns. Right now there are plainclothes police constantly monitoring all three of our stores. There is a noticeable uniformed police presence as well. UCD security people are standing outside our stores at closing time. Obviously one reason they’re there is to catch the guy (presumably in the act). The presence of the extra people makes me feel safer. Knowing there are probably several concealed weapons in our shops does not. If the guy does indeed get caught in one of our shops, I *really* hope the presence of weapons doesn’t escalate the situation.

    I am a pacifist. I don’t believe guns are a true solution for safety and security. My worst case scenario right now is someone…anyone, including this jerk who’s making our lives miserable…getting shot in one of our shops. That’s the fear I’m living with right now, one that I never imagined I’d have when I envisioned a friendly neighborhood coffeehouse.

  9. Oswald, L H Says:

    You should get Luis good and liquored up, then let him handle the security detail. He can stop bullets when he’s drunk.

  10. cb Says:

    Don’t worry, Omar is on patrol

  11. mowfaux Says:

    Hopefully, this guy will be caught soon. The more he does this, the more likely he is of getting caught.

  12. Mike Lynch Says:

    Thanks for writing, Douglas. I hope this guy gets caught soon.

  13. timguth Says:

    Thanks for writing, Douglas. Some of these people just don’t care if they are seen, but while a camera might not stop the first robbery, it would certainly help to stop the NEXT one. I know you can’t make changes overnight; it’s probably why the guy came back so quickly, because he figured you didn’t have time, yet. Although robbing a Chipotle at one of the busiest hubs in West Philly doesn’t seem that sensible.

    I agree that randomly arming people in Green Line wouldn’t help the situation if he or someone else returns; the last thing you need would be even more untrained people pulling out guns in a crowded room.

    I respect what you do in the neighborhood(s). I do frequent your coffeehouses, and I wouldn’t stop going because of this jerk. I hope this issue is resolved peacefully and safely for your employees, your business, and the community.

    Thanks again.

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